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When the College closes due to inclement weather or other emergencies, all classes (on-ground, online and blended), events and activities are canceled. On-ground student services will not be available, but you can get online support at Tri-C 24-7.  

To Update Your Tri-C Alert Contact Information:

  1. Log in to my Tri-C space.
  2. Search for the Update My Account Information card.
  3. Click Update My Address/Phone/Email.
  4. Click Personal information.
  5. Check the contact information under Alert.
  6. Click the blue pencil icon to update if needed.

You can also watch this instructional video.

Tri-C Alert texts and calls come from 1-866-989-ALRT (2578). You can also check the following for delay and closure information:

View the Emergency Closing webpage for more information. 


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