ask Tri-C - Get Answers

Welcome to Cuyahoga Community College's online knowledge base of frequently asked questions and answers. ask TRI-C is designed to assist you not only in navigating our website, but also in quickly finding answers to questions about Tri-C's many programs and services. Use the field above to ask us a question and get immediate answers, 24/7! The top 10 most popular questions being asked can be seen below.
Tips on how to ask your question:
- Keep questions brief and simple (example, How do I apply to Tri-C?).
- Ask only one question at a time.
- Don't use quotation marks.
- Check out the 'Related' and the 'You may be interested in' drop-down menus for more information.
- If your question is not answered, use the LIVE CHAT or EMAIL option to contact us.
Top Questions
- How do I use My Tri-C Card?
- How do I contact the Financial Aid Office?
- How do I receive text notifications?
- How do I change my Tri-C space password?
- Is there Phi Theta Kappa at your school?
- How do I get a copy of my transcript?
- How Do I Access My Tri-C Email Account?
- How do I log in to Blackboard?
- How do I drop or withdraw from a class?
- Where do I send my transcript?